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Python check if variable exists

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Python : How to Check if an item exists in list ?

They're no different than SyntaxErrors. Instead of writing a parser you define these commands as Python functions at let the basic syntax be Python --- why not, it is as good or even better as any ad-hoc invented one. If there's no better way, I suppose I could try to catch the exception, but that seems like a bit of a kludge, especially if I have to create the exception in order to find out what exception the interpreter throws first. There's a on adding Mac and Unix support for os. In these applications you define little languages for users which are not really programmers, but for whom you want to provide a way to hack in some simple commands for a dedicated task. I also find it useful to add this to the top of the function: import sys; if sys.

[Python] function to check whether a variable already exists?

You're trying to see if something is present in environ, why would you get just to compare it and then toss it away? I think the in-python solution without subprocess is much better. I wasn't making that up - see eg. More generally, many values are considered false: None, 0, and an empty map or sequence. How do I check to see if a variable or object has already been defined? Experts Exchange gives me answers from people who do know a lot about one thing, in a easy to use platform. In Python, any variable is actually named reference.

What is the Pythonic way to check if type of a variable is string?

For example on Windows if python is well installed it's enough to execute 'file. Note that None is really nothing magical, just a built-in object used by convention and returned by functions that exit without returning anything specific. The type is always bound to the target object. In fact, at the interpreter all three functions give a reference to the same dictionary. In much the same manner that fish follow migrating caribou. Außerdem geben wir Informationen zu Ihrer Verwendung unserer Website an unsere Partner für soziale Medien, Werbung und Analysen weiter.

Test to see if variable exists

It's more than this solution. Great, that's what I wanted. Move Your Career Forward with certification training in the latest technologies. NameError and UnboundLocalError exceptions should be treated as bugs. To check this, we use Built-in library functions. You can use any other value suitable for your purposes to initialize undefined variables; for a powerful and interesting example, see.


One can find more information about truth values here:. Though the second form works equally well, it's lacking semantically since you get a value back if it exists and only use it for a comparison. Thank you for your replies. Anyone know how to check if an element with a certain attribute exists without going through all elements? If there's no such command, type will exit with 1 or a non-zero status code anyway. The optional second argument can specify an alternate default. For example, if I'm looking for all the links in the website , I'll just use the appropriate command and beautifullsoup retrieves them. Instead of writing a parser you define these commands as Python functions at let the basic syntax be Python --- why not, it is as good or even better as any ad-hoc invented one.

[Python] function to check whether a variable already exists?

In fact, at the interpreter all three functions give a reference to the same dictionary. For example, if variable1 and variable2 are the results of re. So all the blood flows to your head, away from the organ most normal guys think with. Python doesn't have a specific function to test whether a variable is defined, since all variables are expected to have been defined before use - even if initially just assigned the None object. However, I still don't think that's a good idea - in my opinion, you should refactor your code so that this situation does not occur.

[Python] Check if variable is defined

I think that None has the same sort of implementation trick as small integers it returns the same id. Lyle Johnson Well, there are some issues of which scope you're talking about, but if you want to see if it's defined in the global scope, you could do this: if not globals. However, in one of Alex Martelli's posts it seemed to be his understanding that the introduction of nested scopes could mean that a variable may not be in either of those scopes. But it's the norm in Python for programmers to consider NameError a bug in their code, so you'll rarely see that construct in experienced programmers' code. Use the first; it directly tries to check if something is defined in environ. The use of variables that haven't been defined or set implicitly or explicitly is almost always a bad thing in any language since it indicates that the logic of the program hasn't been thought through properly, and is likely to result in unpredictable behaviour. This works provided the executable has an option like --help or --version that outputs something and returns an exit status of zero.

[Python] function to check whether a variable already exists?

Michael Hudson At module or at the interpreter prompt level, they're all identical: 1 and do just return the dictionary that contains the module variables. And is that a global? Not only is it often slow if performance is any kind of concern , but if you're using a variable as part of your exec string, security becomes a concern. If there are more variables you want to check, if all var in locals for var in variable1, variable2, variable3 : You connect the two variables by a boolean operator. Basically, if that happens, I want to check if my variable is empty and, if it is, just rerun the command until the website sends information again. Use the exec statement, and pass it an explicit dict for evaluation context. My problem is that the website behaves really strange.

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